5 ways to resolve relationship conflicts

5 ways to resolve relationship conflicts

You can grow in a relationship only when your mind remains calm and cheerful. Engaging in daily conflicts and exchanging taunts not only disrupts your own well-being but also affects the peace of your loved ones around you. So, everyone, from mental health and relationship experts to our elders, advises us to communicate and resolve issues calmly. However, as simple as this advice may seem, its implementation can prove to be equally challenging. If you are also facing a similar issue, we are here to share some best tips on resolving relationship conflicts.

Is tension in a relationship normal?

While tension or conflicts in a relationship may seem negative, they are really a sign that your relationship is changing and evolving. However, it’s crucial to resolve conflicts to prevent things from going out of control in your relationship. In a successful relationship, mutual understanding is paramount. It requires both partners to listen to each other, make efforts to resolve issues and make things work better in the relationship.

But sometimes, people only want their partner to do things as per their wishes. This increases the risk of having unrealistic expectations. When these expectations are not met, it can spark frequent arguments and conflicts, even over small things. This can take a toll on the mental health of both partners.

To learn how to resolve conflicts in a relationship calmly, Health Shots spoke to Senior Clinical Psychologist Dr Ashutosh Srivastava. He told us that to build a peaceful and good relationship, effort and understanding are required from both partners.

5 tips to resolve relationship conflicts

Here are some top tips that can help in handling stress in relationships peacefully:

1. Have effective conversations

If you are a couple that fights while talking to each other, it is due to ineffective communication styles. Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Take time to listen to your partner’s thoughts and feelings and express your views in a respectful and non-confrontational way. Avoid blaming or criticizing each other. Instead, focus on finding solutions together. Remember, you are two different players, but you are on the same team!

communication in relationship
It is not impossible to have a better communication. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Have some patience while talking

One big mistake in relationships is expecting our partner to meet all our needs without us doing anything. But the reality is that it’s impossible for one person to fulfill everything we want. So, it’s better to have reasonable expectations that can be met and try to meet some of your needs on your own instead of relying completely on someone else. Having such expectations will only burden your relationship.

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3. Accept the past and let it go

Everyone has a past, and sometimes it can be tough and scary, causing people to go through difficult times. When you’re in a relationship with someone, it’s important to understand and accept their past, including any painful experiences, family issues, or wounds that can’t be healed. It’s a good idea to learn what might make them upset and try to avoid those things. Finding ways to help them feel better and more at ease is also important.

Also read: How to end a relationship when it is beyond repair

4. Give yourself some freedom

Give yourself and your partner some freedom. Whatever your partner wants to do, let them do it, rather than tying them down or trying to make them do things your way. Help each other with personal growth and development. Encourage your partner to pursue their interests and goals. A healthy relationship allows both partners to grow personally.

ways to appreciate
Make sure your partner that you still care for him/her. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

5. Take a break if necessary

In some cases, emotions can run high during a conflict, making productive communication challenging. In such situations, it’s perfectly acceptable to take a break and revisit the issue later, when both of you are calmer. So, if you feel the conversation is becoming too intense, agree to take a break for a specific time. During this time, process your feelings and emotions. Know the exact issue and how you want to resolve it.

After resolving a conflict, don’t forget to take time to reflect on what you’ve learned and how you can prevent similar issues in the future!

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