Best chest workout for upper strength

Best chest workout for upper strength

Body resilience, strength and better posture are just some of the benefits you get from regular chest workouts. Chest workout regimes are one of the best ways to build up on your flexibility and keep issues such as back pain and other injuries at bay. What’s more? Chest day doesn’t have to be boring! There are so many different kind of chest workout regimes that you can follow.

Benefits of chest workout

Chest workouts help to build overall upper body strength and improve the quality of life. It also enhances your ability to perform daily activities and indulge in sports, says fitness instructor Wanitha Ashok.

A strong chest can help improve posture and prevent slouching, which can lead to back pain and other issues. Due to people’s current lifestyle, their upper back is stretched and the chest region is constricted. But chest workouts can help to open it up and make it stronger. A strong chest region can help stabilise the shoulders and reduce the risk of injury during physical activity.

chest workout
Going slow, adequate warm u and cooling down and a good diet are a must if you doing chest workouts.

What are the 5 best chest workouts?

1. Barbell Bench Press:

This classic exercise targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

  • -Lie down on the bench press and place yourself at the appropriate height where you can easily reach the barbell.
  • Bend your knees and place your legs at either side of the bench press.
  • Use an overhand grip to hold the bar. Now, extend your arms with the bar in your hands.

2. Dumbbell Flyes:

This isolation exercise targets the chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major

  • Lie down on the bench press and bend your knees. Place your legs on either side of the press.
  • Pick up two dumbbells from the floor or ask someone to hand them to you. One in each hand.
  • Palms and the dumbbells should be facing each other as you lift them up. Extend your arm so that your elbow is only slightly bent.
  • Lower your dumbbells while making an arc with your hands and line them up along your chest while extending your arms to the side.

3. Push-Ups

This bodyweight exercise is a great way to target the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

  • Lie down on the floor, on all fours, and extend your legs. Balance yourself on your hands and toes.
  • Place your hands at your shoulders and bend the elbows.
  • Tighten your core and lift yourself up. Inhale while you do this. Now, your elbows should be at a 90 degrees angle.
  • Exhale and return to start position. Push yourself up through your hands and contract your chest muscles.

4. Incline Bench Press

This variation of the bench press targets the upper portion of the chest muscles.

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  • Set the bench at a 30-35 degrees angle.
  • Lie on the bench by setting your hips and upper back on it.
  • Your arms should be perpendicular to the press. Now, pull the bar down and bring it above your upper chest and shoulders.
  • Press the bar upward by pull your elbow inwards. Raise the bar while extending your elbows.

5. Cable Crossover

This isolation exercise targets the chest muscles and helps to build size and definition.

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