Does moringa for weight loss work?

Does moringa for weight loss work?

When you’re trying to lose weight, you try a multiple things, including fad diets and the latest workout trends but not everything works. That’s when you turn to your kitchen and look for the healthiest ingredients to help you lose weight. One such ingredient that is perfect for a weight loss diet is moringa or drumsticks. A nutrient-rich plant, moringa is derived from Moringa oleifera plant. It has been used for various medicinal purposes, with leaves being the most commonly used for various health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and more.

Health Shots asked Lochan Tebak, Clinical Nutritionist, Max Hospital, Gurugram, about the benefits of moringa for weight loss. Here’s how it works.

What are the benefits of moringa for weight loss?

Moringa has gained a lot of attention of late. In fact, in 2020, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi had put the spotlight on this superfood when he revealed that he loves moringa parathas! It is an ingredient that has been a part of medicine for ages. There are many benefits of moringa for skin and hair.

Here, we will tell you about how moringa works for weight loss.

Moringa for weight loss
Adding moringa in your diet can help you lose weight. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

1. Manages appetite

One of the biggest challenges one faces during weight loss is controlling their hunger. While you don’t need to starve yourself, a calorie deficit is important to lose weight. Including moringa in your diet can help manage your insulin levels, which in turn can improve appetite management and lessen cravings for sugary snacks by minimizing blood sugar rises and crashes, says Dr Tebak.

2. High fiber content

Dietary fiber helps one lose weight, and drumsticks or moringa are high in dietary fiber, says the expert. A study published in the journal Nutrition found that eating foods high in dietary fiber can cause a reduction in calorie intake, thus causing weight loss.

3. Contains anti-inflammatory properties

“Moringa is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce inflammation in the body and aid in weight loss. It can also increase feelings of fullness, lowering the desire to overeat or snack in between meals,” explains the nutritionist. A study published in the journal Nutrients found that eating an anti-inflammatory diet can help people manage obesity.

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4. Promotes healthy metabolism

Metabolism is the reaction in the cells of your body that helps change food into energy. The faster your metabolism, the more calories or energy you burn. So, a good metabolism is important to lose weight. And moringa can help promote a healthy metabolism. Dr Tebak says that moringa contains properties that promote a healthy metabolism and help remove toxins from your body, helping you lose weight.

Also Read: Weight loss: 5 drinks to increase slow metabolism

What are the benefits of adding moringa to your diet?

While moringa for weight loss is a good idea, you are blessed with many other health benefits when you add it to your diet. Some research and the nutritionist told us the magnificent benefits of adding moringa to your diet.

  • It helps manage cholesterol levels, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy heart.
  • Moringa is rich in iron, calcium, and B vitamins, which are good for your brain health.
  • Rich in several nutrients, moringa is also a good option for people looking for ways to strengthen their bones.
  • Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in moringa can help prevent several diseases, including respiratory conditions, kidney health, and even some types of cancer.
moringa benefits
Adding moringa in your diet is good for your overall health. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

How to consume moringa for weight loss?

If you have decided to add moringa to your weight loss diet, one of the best ways to include it is moringa tea. Here’s a quick moringa tea recipe by Dr Tebak:

  • Boil one to two cups of water in a pan and add moringa leaves or powder to it.
  • Allow it to simmer and then strain the mixture. This tea can be consumed on an empty stomach as your daily routine.

Moringa can be a healthy addition to your diet, but the expert warns that pregnant women should drink it only if their healthcare advisor allows or avoids it. Moringa is also high in vitamins and minerals, which is a good choice for anyone but it is best to check with your healthcare advisor to avoid complications.

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