Emotional wellness is not the absence of stress but the ability to fight it when things don’t go your way. Check out tips that can make you emotionally stronger.
It is safe to say that a world without problems does not exist. As we navigate our way from one challenge to the next, do you often wonder if there was a tool that could help you get through it all? That’s emotional wellness for you. It’s your protective shield that does not let you get bogged down or panic because of what’s happening around you. It helps you understand your emotions and express how you are feeling in healthy ways. Does getting this sense of ease and calm seem unimaginable at this point when you are inundated with worries and problems? Here are some easy and simple tips to get your emotional wellness on point.
What is emotional wellness?
Emotional wellness is all about how well you can handle whatever life throws at you without losing your balance. Does that mean you are always happy? No, it’s about understanding and managing your emotions—whether it’s stress, sadness, or anger. “When you’re emotionally well, you can cope with challenges, express your feelings in healthy ways, and maintain meaningful relationships. Think of it as having the tools to bounce back when things get tough,” explains psychiatrist and mental health expert Dr Ajit Dandekar.

8 tips for emotional wellness and their impact on us
Here are some tips for emotional wellness that can help you be happier and healthier.
1. Start journaling
Writing down your thoughts helps you make sense of your emotions and figure out what’s stressing you out. It’s a great way to let go of bottled-up feelings, says Dr Dandekar. A study published in the journal SMM-Mental Health, talks about how journaling helped people regain emotional wellness during Covid 19. It specifically talks about journaling via an online platform and how this helps navigate through experiences of mental well-being and distress.
2. Move your body
Another great tip for emotional wellness is working out. Exercise isn’t just for weight loss or six packs abs, it’s also a mood booster. It lowers stress hormones like cortisol and makes you feel good by releasing endorphin, the happy hormone. A study published in the Asian Journal of Sports Medicine states that exercise can help regulate mood and impact emotional intelligence. It was seen that individuals who use exercise to enhance mood, report higher scores of emotional intelligence.
3. Practice mindfulness
Be it meditating or just focusing on the present moment, mindfulness helps calm your mind and keeps stress away. This is a great tip to keep your emotional wellness in check. A study published in the journal Clinical Psychology Review, states that mindfulness brings with it various positive psychological effects, such as increased well-being, reduced psychological symptoms, emotional reactivity, and improved behavioural regulation.
4. Build connections
Another great way to build your emotional wellness is to spend time with people who care about you. “This can lift your mood and help you feel supported when life gets rough,” explains Dr Dandekar. Face-to-face communication with our family and friends can help us feel that we are not alone. It can also help to prevent feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as ease symptoms of other mental illnesses. So the next time you are feeling low, meet a friend or spend some time with your family.
5. Get good sleep
The power of sleep is hugely underrated. While late nights might be usual for the fast-paced world that we live in, a good sleep can make us happier and healthier. “Sleep isn’t just for resting your body; it refreshes your mind too. Without enough sleep, stress can spiral out of control,” says Dr Dandekar. When it comes to emotional wellness, getting a solid 8 hours of sleep at night can do wonders.
6. Try deep breathing
Feeling deadlocked from all sides? Just breathe. Deep breathing can calm your heart rate and help you feel grounded when anxiety strikes, says Dr Dandekar. Breathing can help you relax as well as rejuvenate yourself. It keeps feelings of anxiety and panic at bay. It can keeps you more energetic, making you ready to face the world.
7. Disconnect from screens
If you have been feeling emotionally drained, switch off your phone. Constant notifications and scrolling can tire you out. “Taking breaks from technology helps you focus on what matters”, says Dr Dandekar. Also, social media that is available to us with just a tap on our phones, can often make us feel that our lives might not be as great as what we see on these platforms.
8. Seek help when needed
Been feeling overwhelmed and unhappy for a while? Ask for help. A major tip to secure your emotional wellness is reaching out to a professional. This one call or meeting can make all the difference. It’s a sign of strength, not weakness, says Dr Dandekar.
How to keep emotional wellness in check?
For emotional wellness, it’s important to steer clear of habits or behaviours that disrupt your mental balance. Suppressing emotions, for instance, might feel like an easy way out, but it only creates a ticking time bomb. “Emotions need to be expressed, whether through talking to someone, journaling, or other healthy outlets. Unhealthy coping mechanisms like excessive drinking, overeating, or relying on smoking for comfort might provide a fleeting escape, but they add to your stress in the long run, leaving you feeling worse,” says Dr Dankedar.
Toxic environments, whether it’s a negative relationship or a stressful workplace, can also drain your energy and make you feel stuck in an emotional rut. Similarly, being overly critical of yourself or engaging in negative self-talk can erode your confidence and make even small setbacks feel overwhelming. Emotional wellness requires recognising these pitfalls and choosing not to let them in your life.

How to protect your emotional wellness?
Protecting emotional wellness is about being proactive. Here are some tips to safeguard your emotional wellbeing:
- Set boundaries with people or situations that stress you out.
- Make time for yourself, whether that’s going for a walk, reading, or just taking a break.
- Surround yourself with people who lift you rather than drag you down.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.
It is important to understand that emotional wellness isn’t about avoiding stress completely—it’s about learning how to handle it in a way that keeps you feeling strong and in control.
Related FAQs
Can therapy or counselling improve emotional wellness?
Yes, therapy and counselling can provide you with a safe space to process emotions, develop coping strategies, and gain clarity on personal challenges. It’s a valuable tool for emotional growth and resilience.
What role do relationships play in emotional wellness?
Healthy and happy relationships can provide emotional support, reduce stress, and boost happiness. Communication, empathy, and setting boundaries are key factors in maintaining positive relationships.
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