Ab exercises for adults: How to tone your abdominal muscles

Ab exercises for adults: How to tone your abdominal muscles

Did you know that there is a ‘fitness age’ in addition to your chronological age? Well, you can change your fitness age, unlike your chronological age with just one thing – exercise. And the same goes for your abs. While there is no sure-shot way to be forever young, you can definitely do your best to keep your body in shape. The key is to feel younger by taking care of yourself. Today, let us start with toning your abs! Celebrity fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala recently took to her social media account to share some ab exercises for adults to tone their core muscles.

Toning your abs is not just about how you look, your abdominal muscles play a bigger role in maintaining your overall health. In the long run, a strong core will help you avoid strain or injury as you grow older. One of the best ways to achieve a super strong core is ab exercises. And these Pilates moves shared by the celebrity trainer might just be what you need.

5 age-defying ab exercises for adults

The key to keeping your body in shape is accepting your age and deriving strength from it. Here are some ab exercises you should add to your fitness regimen: Here are the 5 Pilates ab exercises for you:

1. Single-leg stretch

Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, gently supporting it with your fingertips. Lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat and engage your abdominal muscles. Bring your knees close to your chest, and now extend one leg straight as you place both hands on the opposite shin. Keep the inside hand near your knee and your outside hand near your ankle while you do this. Repeat on the other side. Do at least 6-8 repetitions of this exercise on each side to make the best of it.

2. Double leg stretch

Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your neck and shoulders off the mat and support your head with your hands. Lift both legs off the mat, bending your knees into your chest. Extend both arms straight back alongside your head as you lift your legs. Inhale deeply as you stretch your arms and legs away from your torso. Exhale as you bring your arms back over your head. Do 6-8 repetitions of this exercise.

Also Read: Looking to tone your abs? Trust these sitting exercises to get the job done

3. Single straight leg stretch

Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your head, neck, and shoulders slightly off the mat. Extend your left leg straight up toward the ceiling such that you are maintaining a 90-degree between your leg and the floor. As your lift your left leg, reach your right hand towards your left ankle. The other arm stays by your side. Keep switching legs. You should do 6-8 repetitions of this exercise.

4. Double straight leg stretch

Lie down on your mat with your lower back pressed against the mat with your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Place your hands on the back of your head to give it support. Keep your legs straight and together, maintaining a 90-degree angle with the floor. Inhale as you lift your legs toward the ceiling, keeping your legs straight and engaging your core. Now, exhale as you lower your legs toward the mat. Do at least 6-8 repetitions of this exercise. You can increase the reps gradually.

Also Read: 5 reasons why you must elevate your legs daily

ab exercises
Double straight leg stretch can help you lose belly fat. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Crisscross

Lie down on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hands gently supporting your head. Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the mat while keeping your core engaged. Lift both feet off the ground, forming a tabletop position with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Now, twist your torso to your right, bringing your right shoulder toward your left knee, and extending the right leg straight while hovering it. Exhale as you switch sides, twisting to the left, bringing your left shoulder towards your right knee, and extending the left leg straight. Don’t forget to engage your core. Do 6-8 repetitions on each side to complete one set.

You can do 3 sets of each of these exercises to make the best of your workout. Having said that, get on the bandwagon to get fit without worrying about your age.

#exercises #adults #tone #abdominal #muscles


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