Wall yoga: 5 asanas you can easily do every day

Wall yoga: 5 asanas you can easily do every day

Who doesn’t like a little support while doing yoga? Well, have you tried using a wall during your yoga practice? Some would know it as ‘wall yoga’. So, give a little twist to your daily yoga session by using a wall.

Health Shots connected with global leading holistic health guru and corporate life coach Dr Mickey Mehta to know about asanas that can be done with the help of a wall.

wall yoga
Try out these yoga asanas using a wall. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Yoga asanas which can be done using a wall

Not everyone is comfortable doing yoga on a mat or on the floor because that requires the ability of perfection to accomplish all asanas on the floor without support, says Dr Mehta. Walls are used as support to accomplish the asanas with assistance, even though there is no official term like ‘wall yoga’. This is just humans’ creativity, an improvisation and intelligence used for advancing human capability. Wall provides a stable backdrop to build confidence so that in the absence of a trainer or under an expert’s supervision one can gradually learn to master even difficult asanas. The stability of the wall brings mental comfort and security to a practitioner’s will, feelings or mind.

Here are some of the asanas you can try against a wall!

1. Uttanpadasana or Raised leg pose

• Lie down on the floor and keep your legs raised up, touching the wall. It should be done completely at 90 degrees.
• Hold this pose for about 60 seconds.

The expert says this posture gives good relaxation to the back and improves blood circulation towards the upper body.

2. Utthita hasta padangusthasana or Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

• Lie down on the floor and keep both your hands at shoulder level.
• Keep one leg straight and the other at side, creating a 90-degree angle.

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This pose gives a good stretch when it comes to the leg muscles.

yoga wall
Some of the yoga asanas can help you in reducing body stiffness. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

3. Vakrasana or Spinal Twist Pose

• Stand straight with one hand distance away from the wall.
• Twist your upper body, and with the support of the hands at the wall, you can deepen the twist.

This asana is good for back pain and to reduce stiffness.

4. Utkatasana or Chair Pose

• After you stand with your back against the wall, slowly walk your feet forward and lower down into the chair pose.
• Keep your feet, hip-distance apart, and squat down and make sure your knees are directly over your ankles, not in front of them.
• Hold for 30 seconds to one minute if possible.

Dr Mehta says this variation of Utkatasana is good for people with back pain. It also improves core, knee and ankle strength.

5. Chakrasana or wheel pose

• As you stand with your back against the wall, slowly move your feet forward.
• Raise your hands and touch the wall at the back.
• Slowly walk down as much as possible, come back, bend forward and relax.

This is a little difficult pose as it involves intense back bends. Chakrasana may cure backache, relieves stress and strengthen your body.

Yoga using a wall adds to stability and balance. The expert says that people recovering from accidents, paralysis and surgeries can do “wall yoga.” But if you have just recovered from a surgery and if you are weak, avoid doing these asanas yourself.

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