7 habits that cause low self-esteem

7 habits that cause low self-esteem

Battling low self-esteem is not because of one reason. There are various habits and incidents in life that may cause a person’s self-esteem to plummet. Self-esteem is how we perceive ourselves and how we value ourselves in life. If we give in to this habit of negatively criticizing yourself, a day comes when we fall into a rut of constant negative thinking. It hampers productivity at work, our relationship with ourselves and others, and finally, brutally damages our mental health. In this fast-paced world that is filled with constant competition and comparison, we forget that everyone’s journey is unique, and the only competition is the one we have with ourselves daily. Life tries to be unfair, but in the middle of any crisis, positive self-esteem can have us moving forward with optimism.

Health Shots got in touch with Dr Jyoti Kapoor, Founder-Director and Senior Psychiatrist, Manasthali, to understand habits that cause low self-esteem.

These habits are the culprit behind your low self-esteem

Low self-esteem is a sum total of certain habits that we must have formed over a lifetime. Here are some of the habits that lead to poor self-esteem, and we should try our best to amend them.

low self esteem
These habits might be causing you to have low self-esteem. Conquer them, and build a positive self-image! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

1. Negative self-talk

“Indulging in persistent self-criticism, negative self-judgment and staying focused on personal flaws can have a significant impact on self-esteem. Habitually berating oneself erodes self-confidence and promotes feelings of inadequacy,” says the expert. We should try to develop a habit of positive self-talk and be mindful of what we say to ourselves as it helps build a healthy self-image.

2. Perfectionism

Setting impossibly high standards and constantly striving for perfection can be detrimental to self-esteem. Perfectionists tend to be excessively self-critical and may feel inadequate when they fail to meet their own unrealistic expectations.

3. Constant comparison

Constantly comparing yourself to others, especially in terms of achievements, appearance, and social status, can lead to feelings of inferiority and low self-worth. Remember, everyone has their own unique journey and comparing yourself to others is an unfair and unproductive habit.

4. Negative body image

“Developing an unhealthy relationship with your body, obsessing over perceived flaws, and constantly engaging in self-criticism can severely impact self-esteem. This habit can be fueled by societal beauty standards and media portrayals of the idea of the “ideal body”, leading to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.

low self-esteem
Building on your self esteem can help your emotional health. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

5. Avoidance of challenges

As per the expert, avoiding challenges or new experiences due to fear of failure can limit personal growth and reinforce feelings of incompetence. This habit prevents you from realizing your true potential and can contribute to a diminished sense of self-worth.

Also read: 5 tips to overcome insecurity and gain self-confidence

6. Over-apologizing

Constantly apologizing for minor things or taking responsibility for situations beyond your control can undermine your self-esteem. This habit suggests a lack of self-confidence and can make you feel like a burden to others.

7. Neglecting self-care

“Consistently neglecting self-care activities, such as exercise, healthy eating, sleep, and relaxation, can impact both your physical and mental well-being. This neglect can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and reduced self-worth,” says the expert. It is important to remember that the biggest investment you can make is in yourself, for it pays you in bigger ways than you ever imagined.

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