Burning off split ends: Safe or not

Burning off split ends: Safe or not

Velaterapia or candle cutting is a Brazilian hair treatment. It is basically the practice of burning off split ends. Should you try it too?

Split ends, a common hair problem, usually occur at the tip of the hair. Your hair tips split into two or more strands, and white dots at the end of your hair become visible. If you have dry and curly hair, you will also notice single-strand knots. Even though they mostly affect your hair tips, they can pop up anywhere in your tresses. Cutting them off with a pair of scissors works for people. How about going for candle cutting or Velaterapia? The Brazilian hair treatment is a process that involves burning off split ends. This way you can get rid of the problem without compromising the length of your hair. But is it a safe beauty treatment?

What are split ends?

Split ends, or trichoptilosis, occur when the hair shaft splits into two or more parts. “They develop when the protective outer layer of hair, known as the cuticle, is damaged, leaving the inner core vulnerable,” explains cosmetologist and skin expert Dr Jatin Mittal. This damage often results in hair strands that appear frayed, brittle or uneven at the ends. They are a common sign of hair damage, and stress, negatively affecting the overall appearance and health of your hair.

Burning off split ends
Split ends are common. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

What are the causes of split ends?

Several factors contribute to the development of split ends:

1. Mechanical damage

Excessive brushing, backcombing, or using poor-quality tools can weaken the hair strands and cause the cuticle to break. Mechanical damage can weaken the hair structure, leading to the longitudinal breakage of the hair shaft, according to a study published by Research Gate in 2017. Repeated friction damages the hair’s structural integrity, leading to split ends.

2. Heat styling

Frequent use of hair dryers, curling irons, and straighteners without heat protection can dehydrate the hair and make it brittle. “The extreme heat breaks down keratin, leaving the hair vulnerable to splitting,” says the expert. Hot flat iros works at temperatures over 200 degrees Celsius, and so can cause significant hair damage, according to research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2011.

3. Chemical treatments

Hair treatments can help to make your hair black or any colour of your choice. They can also turn your curly hair straight. “But overuse of hair dyes, bleach, or chemical relaxers can rip off the natural oil from your hair. This leaves it dry and prone to hair breakage, especially at the ends,” says the expert.

4. Environmental stressors

Prolonged exposure to sunlight, pollution, or extreme weather weakens the hair’s outer layer. While weather changes can dry out hair, causing split ends, ultraviolet rays and pollutants degrade hair proteins. During a 2008 study published in Collegium Antropologicum, excessive sun exposure was found to be the most frequent cause of hair shaft structural impairment.

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5. Lack of moisture

People with dry hair need to worry more about this hair problem. “Dry hair is more prone to splitting due to insufficient hydration,” says Dr Mittal. It reduces flexibility and strength of your tresses. Neglecting regular hair conditioning can exacerbate this issue.

6. Improper hair care

Skipping regular hair trims or using harsh shampoos that strip natural oils can weaken your tresses over time. “Neglecting proper hair care routines can lead to increased susceptibility to damage and split ends,” says the expert.

Is burning off split ends safe? Know all about Velaterapia

Velaterapia, also known as candle cutting, is a Brazilian hair treatment that uses an open flame (candle) to remove split ends. The process of getting rid of split ends includes:

  • Hair is sectioned and twisted tightly.
  • A lit candle is passed along the twisted hair, burning off split ends that stick out.
  • The burned hair is then trimmed to remove charred ends.
  • A deep conditioning treatment follows to restore hydration and smoothness.

“The hair treatment is said to seal split ends and improve the overall texture of the hair,” shares the expert.

How safe is burning off split ends at home?

Burning off split ends with candles at home is not recommended. “This procedure should only be performed by trained professionals who understand the technique and can ensure safety,” says Dr Mittal. If not done correctly, burning off split ends may accidentally burn your hair, scalp, or skin. “Overexposure to heat can cause irreparable hair damage and uneven results or increased hair fragility if done improperly,” says the expert. Also, before going for DIY treatment, know that there is no scientific evidence to prove that burning off split ends is effective.

What are the risks of burning off split ends at home?

Burning off split ends on your own involves significant risks, including:

  • Excessive heat can weaken or burn the hair shaft, making it more prone to breaking and splitting again.
  • The process may leave hair strands thinner and weaker, particularly if the burning is uneven.
  • Burning off split ends has a significant risk of injury, including accidental burns to the scalp or nearby areas, as well as potential property damage if the flame is not managed properly.
  • Prolonged exposure to heat or smoke can irritate sensitive scalp, leading to discomfort or inflammation.
Burning off split ends
Pay attention to your hair health and say goodbye to split ends! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What are the safer methods to get rid of split ends?

Burning off split ends at home is not the solution. Cutting them off is a reliable way to get rid of this hair problem. You can also try the following to promote hair health and prevent split ends:

  • Detangle hair: When you comb your hair with a lot of pressure, you create friction between your hair strands. This causes them to rub against each other, and get tangled. When tangled, it can be difficult to comb your hair. To detangle your hair, use a wide-tooth comb. This type of comb glides through them without damaging the ends or leading to hair breakage, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
  • Regular trims: “Trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks to remove damaged ends and maintain healthy growth,” says the expert. Consistent trimming prevents minor damage from spreading along the hair shaft.
  • Hydration: Use moisturising shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks to maintain optimal moisture levels. Deep conditioning treatments replenish lost hydration and improve hair elasticity.
  • Heat protection: Apply heat protectant sprays before using styling tools to minimise thermal damage. These sprays create a barrier that shields hair from extreme heat.
  • Avoid overprocessing: Limit chemical treatments and excessive heat exposure to preserve your hair’s natural strength. “Overprocessing can severely weaken hair, making it prone to splits,” says the expert.
  • Sealants: Use hair serums or oils to smooth and protect the ends from external aggressors. These products also help lock in moisture and help to deal with dry and frizzy hair.

Healthy hair requires consistent care, and quick fixes like burning off split ends at home are not the solution. Such treatments, if not done properly, can lead to further hair damage. Go for regular trims, and keep your hair moisturised to avoid problems like split ends.

Related FAQs

What is the fastest way to get rid of split ends?

Trimming your hair is the only safe and reliable way to get rid of split ends. Hair products such as oils, and serums can help moisturise your hair and prevent split ends.

Is it okay to leave split ends?

It is better to get rid of split ends by trimming them off. They are a sign of hair damage, and unhealthy tresses. They can also prevent hair growth.

#Burning #split #ends #Safe


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